Overcoming Racial Disparities for Equitable Healthcare

While practicing empathy is crucial for building relationships and providing excellent care, it’s also important to recognize that patients from different backgrounds may require different communication approaches. Understanding and addressing these variations is key to delivering equitable healthcare.

Racial Bias in Healthcare

According to the National Healthcare and Disparities Report, white patients were more likely to receive higher quality care when compared to patients from other backgrounds. This includes Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous patients.

When racial bias goes unaddressed in healthcare, many of these patients can suffer long-term complications due to medical conditions that could have been addressed if identified early.

Disparities in Health Outcomes

In a similar vein, the recent study “Key Data on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity” revealed those who were American Indian, Alaska Native, and Black were reported to have a shorter life expectancy when compared to that of White people. Concurrently, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hispanic, and Black people were more likely to experience a larger decrease in their life expectancy when compared to White people. Data such as this is crucial for nurse practitioners to remember when providing equitable healthcare.

Becoming aware of personal bias involves self-reflection, which can include group discussions or reading more about the experiences of patients from different cultural backgrounds. Nurse practitioners can also look for education materials or training on equity in healthcare to further understand how to best serve each patient respectfully.

Healthcare for All

As a nurse practitioner, ensuring equitable healthcare is paramount. Many patients’ experiences may remain unknown without them seeking additional education or training. By continuously striving to understand and address the unique needs of patients from diverse backgrounds, you can provide the compassionate, high-quality care that every individual deserves.